Az ACDC egy ausztrl rockcsapat, a hard rock mfaj egyik kiemelked ttrje. Az egyttes 1973 decemberben, az ausztrliai Sydneyben alakult. Albumaikat vilgszerte elkpeszt szmban rtkestettk, a zenekar els harminc ve alatt hozzvetleg 200 milli pldnyban keltek el lemezeik. Our new desktop experience was built to be your music destination. Listen to official albums more. Originally released in August of 1983, Flick of the Switch is a damn fine ACDC record, and if you love the band, I really can't understand not digging it. Gli ACDC (spesso reso graficamente come ACDC) sono un gruppo musicale hard rock australiano formatosi a Sydney nel 1973. Sebbene il gruppo sia considerato universalmente come australiano, quasi tutti i suoi membri sono nativi britannici. Gli ACDC sono tra i gruppi di maggior successo nella storia del rock: i loro album hanno venduto oltre 200 milioni di copie nel mondo. ACDC r ett hrdrocksband frn Sydney i Australien som bildades i november 1973 av brderna Malcolm och Angus Young. Vanligtvis ses gruppen som ett bluesrock eller hrdrocksband, [1 de anses ocks vara pionjrer inom heavy metal och definieras ocks ibland som heavy metal, [2 sjlva har de alltid kallat sin musik rock and roll. [3ACDC hade flera medlemsbyten innan man gav ut. WIA's Weldarc 200i ACDC is the perfect portable machine for onsite maintenance and delivers 200 Amps of welding power. En 1983, ACDC enregistre un album trs binaire: Flick of the Switch, o le groupe s'autoproduit pour la premire fois dans le but de retrouver la crudit et la simplicit de leurs premiers albums [48. Pendant l'enregistrement, la suite des rumeurs d'alcoolodpendance et de toxicomanie, l'amiti entre le batteur Phil Rudd et Malcolm Young se dtriore et, aprs une longue. ACDC lyrics 180 song lyrics sorted by album, including Highway To Hell, T. ACDC on australialainen rockyhtye, jonka Skotlannista 1960luvulla Australiaan muuttanut kitaristi Malcolm Young perusti vuonna 1973 veljens, kitaristi Angus Youngin kanssa. Yhtye tunnetaan Angus Youngin koulupuvussa esiintymisen ohella mys lavaesiintymisestn sek musiikistaan, joka pohjautuu yksinkertaisiin sointukulkuihin ja voimasointujen kyttn ilman efektej. ACDC australijski zesp hardrockowy zaoony w Sydney w 1973 roku przez braci Angusa i Malcolma Youngw. za pioniera muzyki zespou, mimo wszystko, zawsze klasyfikowali swoj muzyk jako rock roll. Przed wydaniem swojego pierwszego albumu High Voltage w 1975 roku, ACDC parokrotnie zmieniao skad zespou. ACDC Live At River Plate is the definitive live concert DVD documenting ACDC's massive Black Ice World Tour. Shot with 32 cameras entirely in HD in December of 2009, ACDC Live At River Plate. XP Power are a leading provider of power supplies, including ac dc power supplies and dc dc converters. We supply many different sectors including medical power supplies, military power supplies and Power Supplies, AC DC Power Supplies, DC DC Converter, DC AC Inverters ACDC ACDC, from left to right: Brian Johnson, Malcolm Young, Phil Rudd, Angus Young, Cliff Williams, performing at the Tacoma Dome in Tacoma on 31 August 2009. Background information Origin Sydney, New South Wales, Australia Genres Hard rock blues rock rock and roll Years active 1973 (1973) present Labels Albert EMI Columbia Epic Atlantic Atco Elektra East West Associated acts Marcus. ACDC uma banda australiana de rock formada em Sydney, Austrlia em 1973, pelos irmos escoceses Malcolm e Angus Young, sendo considerada umas das maiores e mais bem sucedidas bandas australianas de rock de todos os tempos. [1 O estilo musical da banda normalmente classificado como hard rock e at mesmo blues rock. Mas seus membros sempre classificaram a. Dyskografia ACDC skadajca si z albumw, singli, filmw, i innego typu wydawnictw. Istniejc od 1973 roku, grupa wydaa pitnacie albumw studyjnych z ktrych trzy zostay wydane dodatkowo w. The following lists summarise the discography of the Australian hardrock band ACDC. Between 1975 and 2014 ACDC released 16 studio albums (14 available worldwide and 2 released only in Australia), 2 soundtrack albums, 4 live albums, 11 video albums, and 2 box set albums. Although a large number of ACDC singles have been released, the band always refused to release any greatest hitstype. The sixthbiggestselling album in U. The Brian Johnson era started with a bang: You Shook Me All Night Long; Back in Black; Hells Bells absolutely required rock. View ACDC song lyrics by popularity along with songs featured in, albums, videos and song meanings. We have 28 albums and 255 song lyrics in our database. List of songs with Songfacts entries for ACDC Back in Black il settimo album in studio degli ACDC, pubblicato il 25 luglio 1980 dalla Atco Records. Si tratta del loro disco di maggior successo, con pi di 50 milioni di copie vendute nel mondo, di cui 22 milioni nei soli Stati Uniti d'America. Risulta essere inoltre l'album pi venduto nel mondo dopo Thriller di Michael Jackson. al numero 77 nella classifica dei 500 migliori album. Tracks: CD 1: Studio Rarities 1. Diese Diskografie ist eine bersicht ber die musikalischen Werke der australischen HardRockBand ACDC. Den Quellenangaben zufolge haben sie in ihrer Karriere mehr als 200 Millionen Tontrger verkauft, wovon sie alleine in Deutschland bis heute ber 10, 6 Millionen Tontrger verkauften und somit zu den Interpreten mit den meisten verkauften Tontrgern in Deutschland zhlen..